Porn Addiction Books

Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction
by Gary Wilson

The publication of Your Brain on Porn is a landmark in our attempts to understand, and remain balanced in, a world where addiction is big business. When high speed internet became widely available a few years ago, growing numbers of people began to worry that their porn use was running out of control. Far from preparing them for fulfilling relationships, viewing an endless stream of porn videos led to unexpected symptoms. Perhaps most surprisingly, for the first time in history erectile dysfunction was becoming a significant problem for young men. In Your Brain on Porn Wilson provides a concise introduction to the phenomenon of internet porn addiction that draws on both first-person accounts and the findings of cognitive neuroscience. Gary Wilson has listened to the stories of those who have tried giving up internet porn and related them to an account of how the reward system of the brain interacts with its environment. And now a growing body of research in neuroscience is confirming what these pioneers have discovered for themselves – internet pornography can be seriously addictive and damaging.

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The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography
by Wendy Maltz & Larry Maltz

In this highly acclaimed recovery guide, renowned sex and relationship therapists Wendy and Larry Maltz shed new light on the compelling nature and destructive power of today’s instantly available pornography. The Porn Trap offers counsel on how to overcome porn addiction and pornography-related problems, in a guide that explains the allure of pornography, documents its history, and profiles its industry while making recommendations on rebuilding self-esteem and healing relationships harmed by porn use. Weaving together poignant real-life stories with innovative exercises, checklists, and expert advice, this groundbreaking resource provides a comprehensive program.
The Porn Trap will help you to:

  • Decide whether it’s time to quit using porn
  • Learn how to stop using porn and deal with cravings
  • Improve self-esteem and personal integrity
  • Heal an intimate relationship harmed by porn use
  • Develop a healthy sex life

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In the Shadows of the Net: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior
by Patrick J. Carnes, David L. Delmonico, Elizabeth Griffin and Joseph M. Moriarity

As the Internet becomes a more powerful, imposing force in our lives, indeed becoming difficult to avoid, the potential for related problems also increases. This includes troubles of a sexual nature. When accessing porn no longer requires even a trip to the store, when we can view and participate in sexual activities anonymously, when younger and younger children are being exposed to sex online, when virtual interactions take over, limiting and even destroying real-time relationships, we are in crisis. Compulsive online sexual behavior is a real and growing problem. Yet the situation is not without hope. For those who are seeing signs of significant online problems in themselves or a loved one, this updated second edition of In the Shadows of the Net provides answers, understanding, and tools for recovery. With the latest statistics, discussion of recent technologies and devices, and new thinking on developing a healthy relationship with the Internet and avoiding relapse, this book offers authoritative, professional advice for achieving lasting, healthy change and healing.

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Hyperstimulation: Teens, Porn and Online Addictions
by Craig Georgianna, Tom Underhill, and Chad Kelland

Unlike the traditional technologies most of us are familiar with, such as print or video, computer content provides teens a gateway for hyperstimulation: instant gratification linked to any content our teens desire. This readily-available virtual environment often mystifies parents. We might not understand the technology like our teens do. Many of us are so busy with the necessities of life that we cannot keep up with the latest trends. As a concerned adult or parent of an e-teen, this book will provide the tools you need to address some of your fears and keep your teen safe online.

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Porn University: What College Students are Really Saying About Sex on Campus
by Michael Leahy

Porn University reveals the startling results of a brand new study on the sexual attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of more than 25,000 college and university students on more than 100 campuses all over America. The revealing results offer a closer look at the shifting sexual trends and histories of the next generation of leaders in America. Included are commentary and analysis from the author and other experts in this field on key findings and discoveries, as well as predictions of where the sexual trends of tomorrow might be headed. There are an estimated 18-22 million male and female sex addicts in America today, and the average American teen is exposed to over 14,000 sexual images and messages every year through our mainstream media. This is the new reality. Don’t be discouraged. There is hope!

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Caught in the Net: How to Recognize the Signs of Internet Addiction–and a Winning Strategy for Recovery
by Kimberly S. Young

The first book to identify the problem of Internet addiction, and to offer help to “online-aholics.” Caught in the Net reveals that the behavior of excessive on-line users fits the behavior associated with clinical definitions of established addictions such as alcoholism and excessive gambling. The book explores the problem of Internet addiction in lively detail and provides answers to questions such as: Why is the Internet so seductive? Who gets addicted to it? What are the signs of addictive behavior? and What can you do to help yourself or your loved ones break the addiction?

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LGBTQIA2S+ challenges can include discrimination, marginalization, trauma, expressing authentic gender and sexual identities, shame & guilt deconstruction, anxiety, depression, relationship struggles and more.



LGBTQIA2S+ challenges can include discrimination, marginalization, trauma, expressing authentic gender and sexual identities, shame & guilt deconstruction, anxiety, depression, relationship struggles and more.