Books for Sex Therapy Professionals

Several great books have been written for sex therapy professionals. Preview them here:

Affect Regulation Theory
by Daniel Hill, PhD

Affect regulation theory―the science of how humans regulate their emotions―is at the root of all psychotherapies. Drawing on attachment, developmental trauma, implicit processes, and neurobiology, major theorists from Allan Schore to Daniel Stern have argued how and why regulated affect is key to our optimal functioning. The book is organized around the four domains of a clinical model: (1) a theory of body/mind; (2) a theory of optimal development of affect regulation in secure attachment relationships; (3) a theory of pathogenesis, in which disordered affect regulation originates in relational trauma and insecure attachment relationships; and (4) a theory of therapeutic actions targeted to repair the affect regulating systems. Affect Regulation Theory translates the intricacies of the theory into a cogent clinical synthesis offering a comprehensible and ready-to-implement model for conducting affect regulation therapy.

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Sex Addiction as Affect Dysregulation: A Neurobiologically Informed Holistic Treatment
by Alexandra Katehakis, MFT, CST-S, CSAT-S

Sex Addiction as Affect Dysregulation is the first book on sex addiction that takes into consideration neurobiological underpinnings, examining sex addiction in line with the new definition of addiction as a primary, chronic brain disorder. Katehakis presents not only a well-rounded discussion of the issue–integrating topics such as attachment patterns, brain development, trauma history, as well as neurophysiological factors–but ends by presenting a holistic treatment model. Treatment implications are explained, and case histories demonstrate the validity of a holistic treatment approach.

Published by the Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology.

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Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men
by Ginger T. Manley

In the growing professional literature on child sexual abuse, few books focus specifically on the experience of victimized boys and men. Interweaving vital elements of psychodynamic and trauma-oriented clinical practice, this much-needed volume examines how sexual betrayal affects boys, the ways they carry this hurt into adulthood, and how therapists can address the unique needs of men with sexual abuse histories. Exploring the impact of abuse on men’s emotional development, gender and sexual identity, and relationships, the book provides in-depth consideration of individual and group treatment issues. Numerous case examples draw readers into the direct experience of these clients and the clinicians who work with them and illuminate their continually shifting relational world.

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Clinical Management of Sex Addiction
by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D. & Ken Adams, Ph.D.

A Collection of professional journal articles and essays on the treatment of sexual addiction.

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Contrary to Love: Helping the Sexual Addict
by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.

In this sequel to Out of the Shadows, Dr. Carnes adds to his original descriptions of sex addiction describing the stages of the illnesses. He presents here his Sexual Addiction Screening test, useful to sex therapists and sex addicts alike.

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Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control
by Alison Miller

Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control is a practical, task-oriented, instructional manual designed to help therapists provide effective treatment for survivors of these most extreme forms of child abuse and mental manipulation.

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Making Advances: A Comprehensive Guide for Treating Female Sex and Love Addicts
Edited by Marnie C. Ferree

A ground-breaking work, Making Advances is the first book to offer a targeted approach for effectively treating women who struggle with sex and love addiction. This long-overlooked population faces significant challenges, including a lack of trained therapists who understand their unique pain. Making Advances describes the problem, explores its biopsychosocial roots, and thoroughly outlines the assessment and diagnosis process. Finally, Making Advances explores the process of a female sex addict’s growth into a woman of grace and integrity through building healthy relationships, healthy sexuality, and healthy living practices.

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Sex Addiction: Case Studies and Management
by Ralph H. Earle, Ph.D. & Marcus R. Earle, Ph.D.

Written for the professional who treats sex addiction, this book describes a comprehensive treatment program for the addict and family. It is highly recommended for professionals.

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Sex and the Internet: A Guide Book for Clinicians
by Al Cooper, Ph.D.

A Compendium of articles by professionals in the field addressing the challenges of internet sexuality.

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Sexual Addiction: An Integrated Approach
by Aviel Goodman, M.D.

An extensively documented and very scholarly examination of the causes of sexual addiction along with a sampling of treatment approaches, including his preferred approach. Intended for the well-educated reader.

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Treating Addicted Survivors of Trauma
by Katie Evans & J. Michael Sullivan

A well referenced practical therapeutic method for engaging, understanding and treating this population. This book incorporates the best of addiction treatment and therapy technique.

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LGBTQIA2S+ challenges can include discrimination, marginalization, trauma, expressing authentic gender and sexual identities, shame & guilt deconstruction, anxiety, depression, relationship struggles and more.



LGBTQIA2S+ challenges can include discrimination, marginalization, trauma, expressing authentic gender and sexual identities, shame & guilt deconstruction, anxiety, depression, relationship struggles and more.