The Award-Winning Daily Meditation Book from Center for Healthy Sex

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Mirror of Intimacy:
Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence

WINNER2016 Eric Hoffer Book Award Best of Self-Published!
WINNER 2015 AASECT Book Award by AASECT, American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists!
WINNER 2016 Clark Vincent Award by CAMFT, California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists!
WINNER2016 IndieReader Discovery Awards Best in Sexuality/Relationships!
SHORTLISTED for the 2016 Rubery Book Award in NonFiction!
SILVER MEDAL in the 2015 Nautilus Award in Relationships and Communications!
BRONZE MEDAL in the 2016 Living Now Awards in Sexuality / Femininity!
FINALIST in the 2016 Next Generation Indie Book Award in Relationships!
HONORABLE MENTION in the 2016 New York Book Festival Awards!

Increase your sexual potential to connect on a deeper level with your mate. This book is for anyone with a desire for more loving relationships and greater self-love.

Mirror of Intimacy contains a year’s worth of daily reflections that explore and support the range of human sexualities as a divine gift and a human right. The reflections reference a rich array of approaches: attachment theory, mind/body nexus, neurobiology, 12-step principles, meditation techniques, Eastern and Western philosophy, and ancient world myths. Unfettered by cultural, social, or religious norms, we set our intention to examine 366 topics related to sex and sexuality.

These pages will erotically enlighten you and your world.

“In a world that is often all too quick and content to shame individuals who want to explore and understand their sexuality and sex, these meditations provide healthy, beautiful and accessible approaches to a healthy, beautiful and crucial part of the human experience.”

– Noah Michelson, Gay Voices Editor, Huffington Post

“Mirror of Intimacy is a ‘vade mecum,’ one of those books which you don’t let out of your sight. As a psychologist, I am happy to have this magnificent creation to use with clients and patients leading to their enrichment, joy and celebration of life. The book will soon be one of the important therapeutic tools in our field.”

– Dr. Daniel L. Araoz, Author Integrating Hypnosis with Psychotherapy: The Legacy of Buddhism and Neuroscience

“Having worked in counseling for the past 10 years, I’ve yet to encounter any material as powerful, concise and direct as your meditations. I use them in couples therapy in lieu of assigning long articles or books. My couples enjoy the “straight talk” of the meditations, backed up with personal “homework” at the end of each meditation.”

– Dr. Carmelia Lowman, Savannah, Georgia

“The meditations I received on a daily basis were like a balm to my soul. Each meditation gave me something to reflect upon, especially in light of the fact that I experienced living with one who was sexually addicted. I was able to look beyond the situation to really ask myself how the daily meditations applied to me. They gave me insight which helped me look beyond the addict to see the person.”

– Alice, Scottsdale, Arizona

“I can’t say enough about how your meditations have helped me in my recovery from sex addiction and in my relationship with my wife. Nowhere on the planet are these issues being discussed or taught; yet I find your comments essential to building a true connection with my partner and lover. Your work is therapy and nourishment for my soul and for my relationships with the rest of the world.”

– Peter S.

“These meditations, written with the wisdom of a sage, have been the perfect daily dose for healing on my spiritual path to recovery from love addiction. The words are wise, profound and modern. I hope to continue strengthening my character with this thoughtful advice as I begin anew with a healthy love relationship.”

– Sandra

Mirror of Intimacy – Sample Daily Meditations


January 9
And while liberating ourselves from emotional blocks certainly empowers healthy expression in the human world out there, it also allows us to plumb the internal depths of our reality in here. Sadly, many cannot identify even with their capacity for attaining such depth. Wounding messages that one is … Continue reading →
February 1
If we metaphorically sleep-walk through life, we miss the abundance, beauty, joy, and wonder life offers. If we sleep-walk through our relationships, we miss the same. Your partner has unique and intricate qualities to show you if you’re awake enough to notice. Rise from your apathy for your partner by calling forth … Continue reading →
March 17
The word meditate stems from the Latin root meditari, meaning “to ponder.” Every one of us employs tools of meditation when we concentrate on a subject or mull over a situation. More formal meditative practices may involve ceremonial postures, repeating a mantra, emptying the mind, or focusing on an idea. But with … Continue reading →
April 21
The worst betrayal is self-betrayal. We often falsely focus blame on another, for to grasp how we let ourselves down can be devastating. Seriously, we can’t trust that we’ll be in the same mood or have the same intention from one moment to the next: A promise we make in one mind state might be upended with the slightest shift … Continue reading →
May 19
At some point in a long-term relationship, desire drops off and we worry that we’re no longer attracted to our mate or that we’re no longer attractive. That’s natural, because no one ever told us that it’s our responsibility to figure out what makes us feel sexy. So people often cave in to the forces of age by letting … Continue reading →
June 10
We can’t learn this enough: The way we treat ourselves mirrors the way we treat others. But how do we hold this truth in our heart and mind as a daily practice? There’s an inherent dilemma in envisioning a better relationship while simultaneously accepting our lover in the present. At what point does setting our sights on … Continue reading →
July 12
No one knows the hurt of heartbreak until they’ve experienced it. The gnashing pain of saying “good-bye” to a lover–when we know the relationship isn’t working, when we have to leave in order to grow into our potential, when we’ve been so terribly betrayed that we can’t hold a vision for healing, or when someone dies–is beyond … Continue reading →
August 31
Every person possesses the potential for open-heartedness–for inclusive understanding and acceptance of another. The real art is to stretch into open-heartedness right when you feel most like isolating and shutting down. It’s so easy to close your heart, especially against a partner (and against all humankind, at times). … Continue reading →
September 5
Like all organisms, the human organism is encoded to move towards health and healing. But any type of healing takes time, and psychic healing especially requires sustained effort and a lot of deliberate repair work. Love is the remedy that will make your relationship sound or whole again, but you must take great care and … Continue reading →
October 4
Erotic Intimacy
In the spaces between two people who share familiarity and closeness, lives intimacy. A vibrant atmosphere that weaves connection, mutual understanding, and the sense that the other perceives you as nobody else does–these ingredients make the heady cocktail out of which love and eroticism emerge. … Continue reading →
November 29
Nature encourages us to find an appropriate mate, but our culture goads us to seek the “ideal” one. So we prowl for an archetypal male or female and swoon over each new possibility during the dating process. In this seemingly endless search to find “the one” we sometimes get caught up in the maze of our imagination, fantasizing … Continue reading →
December 26
Healthy Sex
There are many debates about what constitutes healthy sex and no one person has the final definition–except you. You have to decide what is and isn’t healthy for you depending on your past, what you know about yourself today, and what safely brings you pleasure. A general guideline of aspects for you to check is … Continue reading →


To see our YouTube playlist of “Mirror of Intimacy” webinars with Alexandra Katehakis — Click here

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Affirmative Care

LGBTQIA2S+ challenges can include discrimination, marginalization, trauma, expressing authentic gender and sexual identities, shame & guilt deconstruction, anxiety, depression, relationship struggles and more.



LGBTQIA2S+ challenges can include discrimination, marginalization, trauma, expressing authentic gender and sexual identities, shame & guilt deconstruction, anxiety, depression, relationship struggles and more.